checking off his daily to-do list

Hard at Work
A little glimpse into the day and life of a boy and his free play.

Shhh... come with me as we sneak upstairs and take a look into the life of a 3 year old in his room with his most prized possesion... his Matchbox cars.

He had been very quiet. I wasn't hearing,"Hulk Smash!" or any crashing, booming, banging or "HIIII-YAAH-ing" so, I went to take a peek. This is what I found this little train conductor doing. He had lined up all, and when I say all, I mean everyone of his cars. The line of cars went out his bedroom door. BUT... not only had he lined them up, but he stacked them one by one onto each other in this type of row. 

I have to admit. I was so intrigued! Haha Well, I suppose that's why there is a post about it because I honestly felt like I had walked into some art instillation! It was really neat to see a tiny glimpse into his little mind and him actually working on a project that was, to me, meticulous, for a (at the time) 3 year old.

Have your little ones ever did anything that kind of made you tilt your head and think, "hmmm... that's pretty cool!"? I know there are plenty of times that they have made us say, Whhhhaaaat were you thinking or how did this even happen?! but, there are those times when they just do things as you watch them that make you just want to... well, watch, observe and take it in. Those moments I have to admit are some of my favorites. The moments of little glimpses into the workings of their minds. It keeps me inspired to keep doing things, like them. They are always creating, building, (destroying), thinking, singing, just always... doing. From sun up to sun down. 

Sounds exhausting! haha 
but... honestly, we are doing the same. Sun up to sun down we are doing things too, just not as happily. aww... that sounds sad. Kind of true tho, right? I mean we have a to-do list a mile long, just like these little guys, but we look at our list as a 'man, I really don't wanna do that today'. Not saying this is everyday, but let's be honest, more so than not. I wonder if we woke up with the idea of our HAVE to-do list is a WANT to-do list or maybe it's just fitting in things on that list that we do just because, it makes us happy! I bet if we did we'd feel more accomplished instead of just plain ol' tired. 

I am a true advocate for doing things for others, that sometimes I forget to do something for myself. That's why, if you are a close proximity friend of mine, you'll find me baking for no reason (not so good for the waist line) or putting extra love into wrapping something because those things make me happy. It may seem like it's just more work in the mid day, but to me it's like a brain timeout. 

hmmm... Maybe that's what H was doing with his cars. Having a brain timeout. Just doing something that had really no rhyme or reason. After he was done I saw him look at what he created and say with such accomplishment, "Hey, MOM! Look at this!"

The small things are the biggest to me. It seems like when we notice the small things it's a tiny glimpse into the mind of those who put those little touches into what it is we are watching, observing or possibly receiving. A piece of personality on display. I find that very sweet.


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