friends till the end

A look back at a year of memories with some of the best friends a family could ask for.

January 2014
There they are... Lil Shmoosh, H and Poes at their most favorite spot. An ice cream shop in our neighborhood that we have made a tradition to visit each time Our Mellenheads come to visit.

Oh so much handsomeness that I can't look at it more than a minute without wanting to call them and hear his Tarzan scream or his perfect little husky laugh!

These 4 make my heart melt when they're together.

So the story behind this pic is...
We were all watching Veggie Tales. I made them a pallet on the floor with tons of blankets and pillows, stuffed animals and popcorn included. One by one they all crawled into my lap and before I knew it, I had 3 munchkins and myself on a the smallest couch, of course. I grabbed my phone and SNAP! Got them all! HAHA it was hilarious. Perfect pic. Just look at those faces.

"Uhhh... what are we playing for kids? Fruit snacks, I hope. Looks fishy to me..." ;) 
"Friendly" game of Go Fish 

You scream, I scream, We ALL scream for more ICE CREAM!

H working on a project in the garage of his fellow handyman, "American". H thought it was the COOLEST thing that he let him use a big boy hammer and nails. Not to mention he flipped when he gave him his very own neon green retractable measuring tape, that to be honest, still scares the bejezzus out of me when he zips it back in after measuring everything in the house. LOOK OUT FINGERS!

Oh, hiya Shmooshes! How'd you find your bouful face in these pics!

February 2015
Here we are a year later!

The hat that passes on from one to the other. It's definitely a toss up to who wears it best! 

Same bench, same 3, same ice cream shop, same happiness, same rascals.

Does it get any better than this picture?
Their poses are priceless and classic!

This blog post is for my beautiful friends, The Mellenheads.
Thank you for all the amazing memories over the years. I can't wait to make more! We love you all so very much. 
xoxo, Your BouCrew


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